Welcome to ComparaQ

A corpus management tool for all

CompraQ is corpus management and analysis platform. It is designed to support researchers in the field of linguistics or linguistics related disciplines, academics, students, teachers and general users to create and collaborate on corpus data.

It is constructed to be used to compare corpus datasets (multilingual or multitask) as well.

The platform has been developed by the CODHUS research centre team at the West University of Timisoara in the framework of the project ROGER.

The architecture of the platform has been coordinated and implemented by Dr. Adam Obrusnik, a ROGER team member.


ComparaQ is designed to be used intuitively by any user more or less familiar with traditional corpus management and analysis tools.

Intelligent corpus comparisons

ComparaQ facilitates the simultaneous contrastive analysis of two to three datasets (focus on multilingual datasets) by incorporating automatic translation tools. The comparative parallel search allows the automatic extraction and visualisaton of multilingual corpus-based information.

Corpus management teams

ComparaQ users can be assigned different roles (student, teacher, researcher etc.), which enables them to collaborate effectively in different team configurations. Users can contribute with texts for new corpora, process existing corpora or just analyse self-compiled or existing corpora.